450 227-0870

Partial digital dental prostheses

Partial problem. Full solution.

You wish to return to the comfort of a mouth free of dental appliances? You're tired of the discomfort, lack of confidence and repetitive mouth injuries that come with traditional dentures? Do you dream of a permanent solution that gives you back your smile?

One of the reasons why more patients are turning to the digital method favoured by Numérica Dentaire for implant-supported partial prostheses is that traditional dentures with metal clasps do more than just hinder the comfort and aesthetics of their smile: they don't prevent the loss of bone mass, one of the main causes of premature aging of facial features.

With new technologies in digital denturology, a number of innovative solutions are available, such as implant-supported crowns or clasp-free partial prostheses supported by implant clips — all machined in titanium and produced with the precision of a digital camera.

Ask for a consultation with one of our professionals who, with the help of digital tools such as 3D radiography, will be able to suggest the treatment best suited to your needs. Even if you're missing several teeth, there's an ideal solution to restore your comfort and aesthetic appeal.

Find out more about our digital partial dentures
Book an appointment now!


How do dentures affect saliva?
The mouth is the gateway to many of the body’s biological functions, including swallowing, which is an automatic reflex that occurs about twice a minute, or an average of 3,000 salivary bowls per 24 hours. In other words, every time you swallow, the teeth of the upper arch touch those of the lower arch, which is why it’s so important to have properly aligned dentures. Your peace of mind, at meal time or in all other aspects of your life, depends on a stable, balanced and functional prosthetic dentition.